Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Top Heavy and Stuffed

This blog was started as a halfhearted lark between a friend and myself. Not being one to back down from a challenge, here we are, ridiculous title and all.

I've picked up a lot of funny grocery shopping habits during my time in DC. I hate standing in lines, so I either go to the grocery store really early in the morning or really late at night. I think this probably started when I lived a bit closer the Foggy Bottom Trader Joes, which was always packed full of Georgetown and GW undergrads. The checkout line would usually wind its way all the way back to the front doors unless you showed up about an hour before the store closed. It was always bizarre to see people willing to stand in line for 20-25 minutes with only two or three items that could be easily found elsewhere.

I also discovered that you can fit about three and a half full bags of groceries into an extra large Baileyworks messenger bag. Easy enough to ride on the bike, even if it is a bit top heavy.

Anyway, I've passed by the Smucker Farms store on 14th St on the way to work for a while now. Since the local Wednesday bike race out in Greenbelt was cancelled on account of the weather, I decided to stop in after work and ended up purchasing the following items:

1) Stachowski Brand Charcuterie Hot Italian Sausages with Wine -- so
far, I'd give them a 7/10. I think they might rate higher if I'd
purchased them fresh, but they were in a freeze pack, which knocks the
score down a bit.

2) Cocoa Metro Belgian Chocolate Milk -- 8/10 Absolutely excellent.

3) Olde Heritage Root Beer -- 3/10, but I'd like to try another
bottle. I don't think this batch turned out right. The taste is overly
yeasty, which tells me that something went wrong in the fermentation
process. Yes, I have tried microbrewed root beer before and don't
expecting everything to taste like A&W.

4) Cherry and walnut bread -- 10/10 it's possible that I might slay
the entire loaf within a day and a half.

5) Gordy's Sweet Pickle Chips -- 10/10 bought a jar of these at the
last 13th St Meats Retail Day. Great for sandwiches or burgers.

Stay tuned for more captivating grocery purchases and subsequent reviews.

1 comment:

  1. i like chicken sausage and pasta with white beans. yum! and i only go to grocery stores at like 3 am. i hate dealing with people.
